Virtual GI Anastomosis Course

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This course, along with the training equipment used, have been designed to teach and help in the practice of hand sewn GI anastomoses. A technique for end to end anastomosis and a technique for side to side anastomosis are taught separately, using a combination of video tutorial and live virtual workshop, using equipment which will be sent out to you when you sign up for the course.

Please note: the cost of this course includes the cost of the Virtual GI Anastomosis Course and the surgical skills simulator kit.

The surgical skills simulator kit you will be sent consists of:

  • 1 x Surgical Skills Training Board (SSTB).
  • 1 x GI Anastomosis instrument set, including:
  • 1 needle holder
  • 1 pair of non traumatic forceps (McIndoe)
  • 1 pair of toothed forceps (Gillies)
  • 1 pair of Mayo scissors
  • 5 small haemostats
  • 1 short scalpel handle with blade
  • 10 x double ended monofilament, absorbable sutures.
  • 3 lengths of simulated intestine.
  • 2 Chase Surgical T shirts.
  • 2 access codes for the MS Teams workshops.

Photographs of the SSSK along with a video of the box being unpacked are displayed above. In total the box weighs approximately 3.3kg and will be sent to your specified address using UPS shipping. The SSSK’s for each course are sent in batches of 25 and so there may be an initial delay to your SSSK being sent and we will advise you once it has been dispatched.

Training videos for the two types of anastomosis will be available on the website and these can be previewed for familiarisation. The Microsoft Teams access codes will give you entry to two separate one hour workshops. Each of these will be hosted by a Consultant GI surgeon and during the two workshops each of the two anastomoses will be run through, slow time, with opportunity to ask questions and practice real time. Once the workshops have been completed they will be available to re-watch, using your codes, in case you need to revisit or go over anything again.

The course is designed to be taken by a pair of surgeons, (hence the two T shirts and access codes), as we would normally advocate an anastomosis being constructed by a team of two surgeons. The cost of the course is £550 and shipping is charged separately which is variable depending on where you are having the SSSK sent to. We understand that this is represents a significant outlay however we have prioritised high quality equipment and instruction to make this as an effective course as possible, matching the wet-lab course we offer but without the need for travel, and the advantage of being able to practice repeatedly.

We hope that sharing the cost between two surgeons make it more economical. In addition, the SSTB is designed so that the working module is removeable, and separate modules, including our vascular repair module, gastro-jej module, basic surgical skills module and fundamentals of plastic surgery module are in development and will be available at low cost in the future to swap onto the SSTB.

We look forward to meeting you and training with you over the coming months. Please feel free to get in touch with any question via our contact page or on social media.

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What Will You Learn?

  • The course will cover end to end anastomosis and side to side anastomosis techniques through video tutorials and live virtual workshops.

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